Victoria Beckham Leather Jacket, Women'S, Black

THB 1,095
Undeniably elegant, this BLACK LEATHER JACKET from VICTORIA BECKHAM marries athletic nonchalance with luxurious finishing. Crafted from high-quality leather, this jacket boasts a flawless sheen that highlights its exclusive nature. The outer material is 100% leather, ensuring durability and timeless elegance, while the inner layer of 100% viscose offers comfort and a gentle touch. The jacket features a CLASSIC, SLIGHTLY SPORTY CUT, with sophisticated finishes at the waist and cuffs. Elasticated hemlines enhance wearability, while snap-button fastenings add practicality. Unique, overlapping triangular pockets are not only functional but also inject originality. The meticulous craftsmanship is evident in the precise stitching and clear cut lines, while vertical seams on the back ensure a better fit to the silhouette, maintaining an aesthetic dimension. A minimalist approach to design, devoid of external markings or logos, speaks to a subtle elegance and timeless value that this jacket brings. WHY INVEST IN THIS PRODUCT? * EVERLASTING STYLE: Its classic, slightly sporty cut remains perpetually in vogue. * SUPERIOR MATERIAL QUALITY: 100% outer leather and 100% viscose lining guarantee luxury and comfort. * DISTINCTIVE DETAILS: Triangular pockets and precise stitching add a touch of elegance and originality. * MINIMALIST DESIGN: The absence of visible logos or inscriptions emphasizes class and good taste.